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Child Care Solicitors

Wolverhampton campaigns to recruit more foster families (19 January 2016)

Date: 19/01/2016
Duncan Lewis, Child Care Solicitors, Wolverhampton campaigns to recruit more foster families

The City of Wolverhampton is launching a campaign to attract more foster carers, featuring a new Fostering for Wolverhampton bus as part of a road show which will tour different parts of the city between 25 January and 29 January.

Members of the Fostering for Wolverhampton team and foster care champions will be on board encouraging people to consider becoming foster carers.

The council says foster families are already giving hundreds of local children the best possible future, by offering them a supportive environment in a loving home. However, more foster families are needed in Wolverhampton and the council is keen to hear from individuals and couples interested in fostering.

The City of Wolverhampton Council's Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Val Gibson, said:

“Fostering can truly be a life changing experience – both for the foster carer and the young person they look after.

“We are very lucky to have so many dedicated foster carers in Wolverhampton – including three couples who have recently been honoured for their long service with MBEs from the Queen.

“But we are always on the look out for more and so would love to hear from people who are considering fostering.

“We offer training and support to new foster carers – and they won't be left out-of-pocket, as they receive a tax free allowance to cover the cost of bringing up the child.”

Foster carers can be sole carers, married or in a relationship – and the council offers help and support 24 hours a day, with six months of “buddy support” from experienced foster carers, who befriend and guide them through the system.

Supervising social workers provide intensive support for the first six weeks of a placement and then every month thereafter, says the council – while foster carers can get help through a peer support network.

Wolverhampton City Council also says that placements can range from a few days to a number of years, with some foster carers going on to adopt the children they look after.

Duncan Lewis Children Lawyers

Duncan Lewis children lawyers can advise on child care law and family law – including adoption and international adoption and children taken into local authority care.

Duncan Lewis can also advise on Court of Protection cases, child abuse, domestic violence and Section 38 Enquiries, as well as pre-proceedings meetings.

Duncan Lewis advises on family and child care law under UK law and Islamic law.

For expert legal advice on child care matters and family law, call Duncan Lewis children lawyers on 0333 772 0409.

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