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A jury at the Old Bailey has heard how a father repeatedly hit his baby daughter and bit her on her forehead before she died.
Aurimas Medvedevas, 23 – originally from Lithuania but now living at an address in Clifton Avenue, Peterborough – is charged with murdering his two-month-old daughter Aukse at their home on 5 September 2013.
Aukse was discovered dead in her cot by her mother Dzesika Urbikaite, 22, when she returned home from her employment as an agency worker.
The baby had bruises and abrasions on her body and two bite marks on her head, one of which matched Medvedevas’s own bite.
A post-mortem revealed that Aukse had been shaken and had suffered bruising on the brain. She had also sustained internal injuries, including five broken ribs and a laceration on her liver. She had died from a head injury some hours after the assault.
Medvedevas told police that she had accidentally fallen out of bed and hit her head while he was in a deep sleep beside her.
At the start of his trial in May, he admitted he had shaken the baby and thrown her onto a bed and from there she had fallen onto the floor.
Jurors heard that he had not explained all the injuries or the bite marks on the baby’s head, however. He was in sole charge of his daughter on the day she died, the court heard.
Medvedevas denies murder.
The trial continues.
Duncan Lewis Children Lawyers
Duncan Lewis is a leading firm of children lawyers and can advise on a wide range of childcare law, including:
• Care proceedings
• Child abuse
• Child contact and residence
• Children taken into Local Authority care
• Court of Protection
• International child abduction.
Duncan Lewis is also a leading provider of Legal Aid services and can advise on children law under UK law or Islamic law.
For expert legal advice on childcare law, contact Duncan Lewis children lawyers on 020 7923 4020.