Surrey County Council is supporting the national Together We Can Tackle Child Abuse campaign – which urges members of the public to report any concerns about a child’s welfare, so that support can be given to all children and families who need it.
More than 400,000 children across England were supported in 2014 –2015, but research suggests that one-third of people who have concern’s about a child’s welfare or suspect child abuse fail to act on their suspicions.
The campaign is led by the Department for Education (DfE) and also aims to raise awareness of potential signs of child abuse and neglect, including a child’s appearance – such as frequent unexplained injuries, consistently poor hygiene, matted hair, unexplained gifts, or a parent regularly collecting children from school when drunk.
The public is also asked to be aware of children’s behaviour – such as demanding or aggressive behaviour, frequent lateness or absence from school, avoiding their own family, misusing drugs or alcohol, or being constantly tired.
The campaign also highlights that communication issues – such as sexual or aggressive language, self-harming, becoming secretive and reluctant to share information or being overly obedient – can be a sign of child abuse.
Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Educational Achievement, Linda Kemeny, said:
“All children have a right to be safe and we all have a role to play in protecting children and young people from abuse and neglect.
“A number of people do not act on their suspicions because they’re worried about being wrong – you don’t have to be absolutely certain about your suspicions: if you have a feeling something’s not right, talk to our children’s social care team, who can look into it.
“Information is usually gathered from many sources – and your report would form one part of a bigger picture.
“Children and families can be helped at an earlier stage – with preventative support – if more members of the public share their concerns.
“It is not just up to social services, doctors and the police to spot the signs of abuse and neglect – members of the public are in a unique position to spot concerns among children with whom they come into contact: concerns which may not be apparent to professionals.”
Duncan Lewis Children Lawyers
Duncan Lewis children lawyers can advise on a wide range of family law and child care matters, including advising on domestic abuse and child abuse within the home.
The Duncan Lewis family law department also frequently advises on children taken into local authority care and care proceedings, including Section 38 enquiries, pre-procedure meetings and Court of Protection cases.
Duncan Lewis advises on family law under UK law and Islamic law – including offering legal advice on FGM, forced marriage and honour crimes.
Duncan Lewis is a leading firm of Legal Aid solicitors.
For expert legal advice on family law and child care matters, call Duncan Lewis children lawyers on 0333 772 0409.