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Mental Health Solicitors

Reading Council launches Perinatal Mental Health Project (12 October 2015)

Date: 12/10/2015
Duncan Lewis, Mental Health Solicitors, Reading Council launches Perinatal Mental Health Project

Reading Borough Council has launched a project exploring mental health issues among women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

The Perinatal Mental Health Project will look at the current services available, as well as consulting with families.

The project also aims to develop information to help identify parental mental health disorders – and introduce new training for staff, as well as increasing access to services and health education.

Perinatal depression may affect up to 20% of women and up to 25% of their partners. People experiencing perinatal depression can suffer social anxiety, feelings of guilt and hopelessness and lack of confidence – and it can also have a detrimental impact on the baby's development.

National research has found the most useful aids to recovery are time, identifying the illness, family support, medication and self-help.

Perinatal Mental Health Project aims to ensure future support offered to parents in Reading matches what they want and need.

The consultation will involve visits to children's centres, community groups and organisations – there is also a chance to get involved online
Via http://beta.reading.gov.uk/PRPerinatalDepression.

Reading's Lead Councillor for Children's Services, Councillor Jan Gavin, said:

“Having a baby is generally a happy, if not an exhausting time – but it is not uncommon for mums and sometimes their partners to feel depressed and anxious.

“It can happen when the woman is pregnant or after birth – and it can strike anyone.

“The council is keen to see more support offered to mums and dads with emotional health concerns but we want to investigate the best way to do this.

“This is why I would encourage parents to take part in this consultation to help shape these vital services in the future.”

Parents are asked to answer five questions and the replies will be treated confidentially. The consultation is online at: https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=144353151900.

A new support service has already been developed for mothers diagnosed with – or at high risk of developing – a postnatal mental health illness. Charity Home-Start Reading is working in partnership with Talking Therapies – run by Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Funding has been secured –
including a sum from Reading Borough Council – to run a pilot support group in two of the borough's children's centres.

Local group Mums in Mind are also running a course of eight sessions at Caversham Children's Centre, which started at the end of September –another is planned for Katesgrove Children's Centre.

Manager of Home-Start Reading, Sarah Smith, said:

“It is very common for mums to feel anxious, isolated, low in mood and overwhelmed following the birth of a child.

“Meeting other mums who are feeling the same – and receiving non-judgemental support in a relaxed and small setting – can begin to change the way they feel.

“We aim to give them the 'tools' they need to build up their confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to cope better with the journey of motherhood.”

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