Mental HealthMental Health
With over 400 employees, Duncan Lewis expects some level of staff turnover. It is reassuring to know that Duncan Lewis are doing something right as we are proud to welcome back former Duncan Lewis employees back to the firm. Read more...
Kate Luscombe of Duncan Lewis has been shortlisted for the 2011 LALY Mental Health Lawyer of the Year award.
This article was published in The Independent by Kate Luscombe, Head of Mental Health
The Upper Tribunal took a landmark decision by ordering that the First-tier Mental Health Tribunal hold a public hearing of AH^s application for discharge from hospital, establishing the important principle that open justice should extend to the usually private setting of mental health tribunals.
From October 2009 to September last year, 3,970 Armed Forces staff were diagnosed with a mental disorder. Of those, 235 suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Read more...
Rhea Edes has just attained her Mental Health Panel Membership. Rhea undertook her training contract at Duncan Lewis and qualified as a solicitor in May 2008. Read more...