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Mental Health Solicitors

Mental Health Law Is Highly Specialized (11 March 2008)

Date: 11/03/2008
Duncan Lewis, Mental Health Solicitors, Mental Health Law Is Highly Specialized

Lawyers and doctors are constantly at loggerheads when a case raises complex legal and medical issues. In its very nature, every case is highly sensitive and the patient-client relationship depends on commitment, trust and knowledge between the triumvirate parties involved. Uncertainties raise mental health law issues. Since 1983 when the mental health Act came into existence, the necessity of trained mental health lawyers have needed a specialized module. They operate at fundamental level and at the law firm of Duncan & Lewis the confidence rate and successful cases are higher.

In UK nearly one in four people suffer from mental health problems as reported by the BBC recently. Most individuals also find it difficult to tell their family doctors that they have a mental health problem. They are more vocal about the physical problems, but when it comes to mental health, they are equally ignorant. There is also mental health discrimination and hence getting a mental health solicitor in London has its advantages. As one of the most dedicated law firms in the UK, it will not be hard to find an able mental health solicitor with us. We understand that sometimes individuals suffering from mental health problems face crisis when family members ill advice them. We realize that it is a sensitive issue to tackle. At Duncan Lewis we have a humane interface of mental health lawyers at our firm. They specialize particularly in mental health law, which makes them identify with the case at the deepest level before attempting to take it up. If need be research is done with the individual’s family and close friends also. This gives a true picture where the victim stands.

With professionals like a physiatrist, psychologist and now a mental health lawyer, the mental health foundation is trying to remove stigma in affected individuals. The biggest tragedy today is extreme depression, suicidal tendencies and phobias. Victims rush to physiatrists and psychologists, but often overlook a mental health lawyer. This is where Duncan & Lewis steps in. As we have a deep understanding of the mental health law, we help families and loved ones of those affected. We keep them informed of the proceedings. When dealing with mental health cases we know it is important to understand the wider issues associated with mental illness. Mental Health Law is highly specialized and very few mental health lawyers can make a real difference to you and your family. Find your mental health solicitor in London at Duncan Lewis & Co. Visit duncanlewis.co.uk for more details.

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