David Cameron has announced that the new Justice Minister will be Michael Gove – formerly Chief Whip and Education Secretary – who takes over the position from Chris Grayling, who is now Leader of the House of Commons.
Mr Gove will also hold the position of Lord Chancellor and will be tasked with overseeing the pledge made by Chris Grayling to replace the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights.
The coalition government previously struggled to deport failed asylum seekers and some convicted foreign criminals after they had served their sentences – as well as those with links to terrorist activities – as a result of the appeals system whereby the European Court at Strasbourg could overrule British courts.
Many people facing deportation from the UK made an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act – the right to a family life; or under Article 3, which prohibits torture or degrading treatment, which some claim they would face if returned to their home countries.
As Justice Secretary in the coalition government, Mr Grayling said that if the Conservatives won a second term in office, the government would consider replacing the court at Strasbourg with Britain’s Supreme Court as the highest appeal court in the UK, thus preventing rulings made in UK courts from being overruled in Strasbourg.
Theresa May – who frequently fought to have convicted criminals deported after serving their jail terms – has retained her post as Home Secretary in the new Conservative government.
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