Lincolnshire councils are working together to crack down on benefit fraud – and have already identified more than one million pounds worth of incorrect or fraudulent payments.
Audit and Risk Manager at Lincolnshire County Council, Lucy Pledge, said:
“Lincolnshire councils are working together to tackle fraud by pooling resources and information – and taking a zero tolerance to all forms of fraud, corruption and theft.
“Over the coming months, proactive investigations will be underway to ensure that facilities like disabled parking badges go to people who really need them – as well as identifying fraudulent claims for council tax discounts and identifying where business rates haven’t been paid.”
Councils will also be benefiting from further training to ensure staff are more alert to where the key fraud risks are, as well as how to report suspected fraud, corruption and bribery.
“Every pound stolen by fraudsters is a pound less that we can spend on front line services to protect the most vulnerable in our society – reports from members of the public are vital to prevent fraud and prevent taxpayers’ money being wasted.” Ms Pledge added.
Claimants are legally obliged to inform their local council if their personal circumstances change – failure to disclose changes in circumstances that would affect benefit entitlement could constitute fraud.
Duncan Lewis Criminal Solicitors
Duncan Lewis benefit fraud lawyers can advise at any stage of a charge involving benefit fraud, including charges relating to: