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Labour calls for overhaul of stop and search (18 February 2014)

Date: 18/02/2014
Duncan Lewis, Crime Solicitors, Labour calls for overhaul of stop and search

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has called the impact of stop and search policies on young adults “shameful”.

The Labour Shadow Home Secretary has called or an urgent overhaul of stop and search – including banning stop and search targets for police officers.

Ms Cooper is also pressing for guidance on preventing racial discrimination in stop and search to be replaced with a law protecting young adults from being stopped by police on the basis of racial profiling.

The move comes after it is reported David Cameron blocked attempts by Home Secretary Theresa May to introduce legislation to limit police stop and search powers.

Ms Cooper has written to Theresa May saying that comparatively few stop-search procedures actually result in an arrest – and thousands of police stop and searches cause widespread resentment every year among young adults.

“That resentment is creating barriers between communities and the police, particularly in the ethnic minority communities that are most affected,” said the Shadow Home Secretary.

“That’s bad for innocent people regularly and unfairly stopped, bad for the police because it's an expensive waste of time – and bad for community safety because it undermines the relationships we all rely on.

“It goes to the heart of people's trust in the police and the misuse of stop-search has the potential to undermine effective community policing,” she added.

Ms Cooper also referred to data suggesting that stop-search was sometimes used unlawfully – out of 8,783 stop and search records reviewed by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary between October 2012 and April 2013, a total of 27% did not include sufficient grounds for the lawful use of stop and search.

Figures show that young adults from ethnic minority communities are seven times more likely to be subjected to stop-search – which Ms Cooper says is likely to contribute to negative perceptions of policing among young adults.

The Home Office maintains that no one should be subjected to stop and search on the basis of their ethnicity or the colour of their skin.

“The government supports the ability of police officers to stop and search suspects – but it must be applied fairly and in a way which builds community confidence,” said a Home Office spokesman.

"This is why we consulted over the summer on the powers of stop and search and we received a strong response. We will respond to the consultation in due course,” the Home Office added.
Yvette Cooper is also calling for Section 60 stop and searches to be restricted – a Section 60 stop-search can be carried out by a police officer even if there is no suspicion of crime.

The Shadow Home Secretary said:

“Everyone agrees that the police need to have powers to stop and search individuals suspected of crime or to prevent a serious threat.

“Intelligence-led targeting of suspected criminals helps to cut knife crime and youth killings.

“However, while targeted action helps cut crime, the reality is too many searches are not targeted at all,” she added.

Duncan Lewis Criminal Solicitors

Duncan Lewis criminal solicitors regularly attend police stations, courts and prisons to advise on criminal charges – including arrests made as a result of stop and search.

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