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Crime Solicitors

Essex man given ASBO for abusive behaviour (23 December 2013)

Date: 23/12/2013
Duncan Lewis, Crime Solicitors, Essex man given ASBO for abusive behaviour

A man from Essex has been ordered not to swear in his home after being handed an ASBO for spamming the emergency services number and subjecting paramedics and police to a regular torrent of verbal abuse.

Paul Crick, 45, of Waltham Abbey appeared before Magistrates last week after he caused a “significant level of disturbance and distress to his neighbours” and the employees of the ambulance service and Essex Police by dialling 999 over 170 times in just 16 months.

Crick has now been banned from shouting and swearing in public and at his home under the terms of his five-year ASBO. He will also be unable to threaten or use insulting words towards members of the emergency services after abusing them consistently between April 2012 and August 2013 following his 'hoax' calls.

A spokesperson for Essex Police said: “The ASBO was deemed necessary to prevent him from causing further harassment, alarm or distress to his neighbours. It was stated that Crick prevents the emergency services from dealing with cases of genuine emergency and appears to use any opportunity to abuse members of the community.”

Chelmsford Magistrates' Court heard that Crick, who has also been told to pay £200 in costs, is an alcoholic and is currently on long-term leave from his previous job following a stroke that left him with only fifty per cent vision.

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