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Drug gang members arrested in Westminster police dawn raid (29 May 2014)

Date: 29/05/2014
Duncan Lewis, Crime Solicitors, Drug gang members arrested in Westminster police dawn raid

A police crackdown on Class A drugs has resulted in the arrest of two brothers aged 14 and 15.

The schoolboys were arrested on Wednesday (28/05/14) on suspicion of dealing Class A drugs on the streets of Westminster. It is reported the two boys are “prominent” members of a well-known gang based at the Churchill Gardens Estate in Westminster – and police say both deal Class A drugs on the streets of Westminster and are known to lead “chaotic lives”.

The 14-year-old arrested is currently on bail for GBH (grievous bodily harm) and is well-known to local police. Both youths have been the subject of parenting orders and the 14-year-old currently lives with his grandmother.

During the dawn raid, police targeted more than 20 suspects believed to belong to the gang known as the Church Town Militants.

Around 200 police officers were involved in the raid, including members of the Territorial Support Group.

The police made 19 arrests – most of those were aged between 14 and 25, said a police spokesman. The dawn raid was part of a five-month operation during which “it became clear” that gangs were operating open drugs markets round Westminster, according to Westminster Police.

Acting Detective Chief Inspector Philip Grindell said:

“Today’s series of warrants and arrests are as a direct result of concerns we have had from residents about the level of drug-dealing and gang activity on the estate.

“This action follows a five-month operation, but will be the first phase of further efforts to tackle gangs and drug-dealing, such as weapons sweeps and extra patrolling.

“We are determined to make Westminster a safer borough for people to live and work – and we will continue to divert young people away from gangs to ensure areas such as Churchill Gardens Estate are a more enjoyable place to live.”

The police received “tip-offs” about drug dealing around the estate and a second council estate in Pimlico, the nearby Warwick Estate. It is reported that drug deals involved the supply of cannabis, heroin, crack cocaine and MDMA.

Police are meeting with local residents on the Churchill Gardens Estate in the wake of the dawn raid and subsequent arrests.

This week, researchers from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction published a study in which tests on waste water in 42 European cities revealed that London has the highest cocaine use in Europe. London’s waste contains higher levels of the Class A drug’s chemical component benzoylecgonine than the waste of any other capital city in the EU – including Amsterdam – say the researchers. London’s cocaine levels in waste are three times the level in Paris sewage. After London, Zurich and Antwerp have the highest levels of cocaine in their waste.

Duncan Lewis Crime Lawyers

Duncan Lewis crime lawyers can advise at any stage of a criminal charge, including charges involving possession or supply of Class A drugs.

Duncan Lewis crime lawyers regularly visit police stations, courts and prisons – including youth courts and Young Offender Institutions.

In London, Duncan Lewis has four offices and a crime lawyer can be with you within 45 minutes.

For expert legal advice on criminal charges – including drugs-related offences – contact Duncan Lewis crime lawyers on 020 7923 4020.

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