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Clairvoyants in court over £80k benefit fraud (9 June 2014)

Date: 09/06/2014
Duncan Lewis, Crime Solicitors, Clairvoyants in court over £80k benefit fraud

A couple who claimed they could “barely walk” have been prosecuted for benefit fraud, after investigators filmed the husband working out in a local gym.

Benefit fraud investigators were acting as a result of a tip-off and discovered that, whereas clairvoyant Timothy Abbott, 53, and his wife Janette, 48, were claiming a range of welfare benefits and claiming to be disabled – Mr Abbott was able to undertake a rigorous workout at the gym.

The couple from Linaker Close in Stafford had claimed £80,000 in benefits between 1998 and 2014, including disability living allowance, council tax benefits and housing benefit.

Local publisher the Express & Star reports that Mr Abbott claimed £35,496 in incapacity benefit and £22,848 in disability living allowance.

Mr Abbott was also found to have failed to pay National Insurance contributions and income tax on his income as a clairvoyant and owed HMRC £10,000.

Mrs Abbott fraudulently claimed £19,477 in disability allowance and £713 in incapacity benefit, as well as £1,000 in council tax benefit.

Doctors are investigating her claim in court that she is being treated at St George’s Hospital in Stafford for psychiatric problems – and that she has multiple sclerosis.

At Stafford Crown Court, Mr Abbot pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to notify the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) of a change in circumstances – and two counts of making a fraudulent non-payment of income tax.

Mrs Abbott pleaded guilty to three counts of failing to notify the DWP of a change in circumstances, one count of making a false statement and one count of falsely obtaining benefits by deception.

The couple were granted unconditional bail and are due to appear at a further hearing on 1 August.

A spokesman for the DWP said:
“Benefit fraud is a crime and we are dedicated to catching those who commit it.
“Only a small minority of benefit claimants are dishonest – but cases like this cost the taxpayer money that should be used to help those in need.
“We are determined to find those who we suspect are cheating the system by following up on tip-offs, undertaking surveillance – and working with local councils.”
Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to crack down on benefit fraud – and measures proposed by the government to target claimants committing benefit fraud include using credit rating firms like Experian to check on claimants’ spending on credit cards and other bills.

In 2010, Mr Cameron said this measure alone could save the taxpayer as much as £1.5 billion annually in benefit fraud.

Mr Cameron has also targeted overpayments of welfare benefits due to administrative error – either by the DWP or by claimants.

In 2010, Mr Cameron said:

“There are some people who are claiming welfare who are not entitled to it and that is just wrong and that should stop. Both things, fraud and error, go together and I want to cut them both.”

Duncan Lewis Benefit Fraud Lawyers

Duncan Lewis is a leading firm of benefit fraud lawyers and can advise claimants facing benefit fraud allegations at any stage of a charge.

For expert legal advice on benefit fraud charges and representation, contact Duncan Lewis benefit fraud lawyers on 020 7923 4020.

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