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Benefit fraudster given 12-month jail term (20 March 2014)

Date: 20/03/2014
Duncan Lewis, Crime Solicitors, Benefit fraudster given 12-month jail term

A benefit fraudster from Liverpool has been jailed for 12 months and ordered to pay back a substantial five-figure sum after illegitimately claiming £74,000 of state handouts.

Following a joint investigation by HM Revenue and Customs and Wirral Council, which unearthed her fraudulent actions, 46--year-old Carol Lamb was caught. Liverpool Crown Court heard that Lamb claimed income support, council tax discount and tax credits to the tune of thousands of pounds.

Mrs Lamb was paid the benefits after telling authorities that she had separated from her husband seven years ago. However, the probe found she had lied about those claims and had in fact been living with Ernest Lamb and their children in Bebington.

Police raided the family home in 2012 where Mrs Lamb told authorities that she had only claimed a £355 monthly contribution while her husband had supported her financially through various illnesses and injuries. The argument did not convince the jury, however, and she was subsequently convicted of three counts of fraud.

Judge David Eccles concluded: “You not only lied to this jury but you persuaded some of your children to come to court and give evidence which was not credible, not honest, not truthful. I think it would be failing my public duty if I did not sentence you to immediate custody.”

Duncan Lewis' Crime Department includes a team of expert fraud solicitors with extensive experience in areas such as tax and benefit fraud, corruption and advance fee fraud. Our team is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

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