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New Drivers And Revocation

New Drivers


You’ve finally passed your driving test, got your first car and are now ready to be fully independent and hit the roads! Whether you need a pint of milk or engage on a last minute weekend break- you’re armed with a shiny new licence and confident you can get to where you need to be! The world’s your oyster (or at least the road network is!).


We suspect that’s how many new drivers feel and whilst we can appreciate that excitement there are a number of considerations one must have as a “new driver”.


The New Drivers Act 1995 enforces a probationary period upon newly qualified drivers. In accordance with the Act, a motorist is considered a “new driver” for the first two years from when they pass their first test of competency.


During this probationary period, you must continually demonstrate your competence to drive by maintaining a low record of penalty points. Should you amass 6 points or more, the DVLA will interpret this as incompetence (sorry new motorists- this is their word, not ours) and revoke your licence to drive.


The reality of this is that new drivers need to be extra careful in their driving infancy and be more vigilant when it comes to adhering to speed limits and road signs as it often contraventions of these that lead to the tally of points rising quickly.


Even an experienced driver can acquire 6 penalty points relatively easily as most motorists break the speed limit and perform manoeuvers they know that they probably shouldn’t in the presumption that they will not get caught.


Minor speeding offences attract 3 points but more serious instances of excess speed can attract a mandatory 6 points which would mean your licence is revoked in one fell swoop. Other offences you need to be careful of committing are:


  • Using a mobile telephone whilst driving
  • Driving without insurance
  • Failing to furnish information
  • Failing to Stop/report
  • Driving without due care
  • Failing to comply with a red light/traffic sign


These are all offences which are relatively easy to commit either as result of momentarily poor decisions whilst driving or complete ignorance (i.e if you haven’t received documentation about an offence and subsequently fail to furnish).




The effect of a revocation is that your driving status is reverted to someone who has never had a full UK driving licence. This means that you need to book and pass your driving tests again which we are confident no one would be eager to do. The only plus side of this is that there is no time restrictions on when you can reapply. You can literally book your tests again the same day as revocation provided there is availability with your local providers.


What Can I do?


The options available to you are largely dependent upon the individual circumstances of your case and the grounds for the revocation.


If your licence is revoked because you did not receive certain documentation relating to an offence then there may be a quick and relatively easy solution available.


If you feel that you are not guilty of the offence that leads to revocation then it is important you contact us as soon as possible as it may be too late to resolve once the licence has already been revoked.


Driving licences can also be revoked on medical grounds but there are sometimes ways to appeal these decisions with the DVLA.


Given the range of circumstances that can lead to a revocation we would urge you to contact us to discuss your case in more detail to see if we can help you.


Call Duncan Lewis motoring offence specialists on 020 7923 4020 for expert legal advice on all motoring law offences, including revocation.

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