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Horse Riding Injury Compensation

Horse Riding Injury Compensation Claim


Duncan Lewis Personal Injury Solicitors for Horse Riding Injury Compensation Claims


No Win No Fee Claims for Horse Riding Injury Compensation


Duncan Lewis is one of the UK’s leading firms of personal injury and Legal Aid solicitors – and can advise on how to make a no win no fee horse riding injury compensation claim if the injury occurred as a result of someone else’s negligence.

Making Horse Riding Compensation Claims


Horse riding is one of the most dangerous sports and novice riders and trainee grooms need expert instruction from a British Horse Society (BHS) qualified instructor, as well as close supervision.


Accidents can also happen if beginners are not properly instructed or equipment fails.

  • Avoiding injury in horse riding falls
    When a rider and/or a horse falls, riders should be trained how to avoid injury – or becoming trapped under their horse or being kicked – by rolling away. If riding instructors do not teach beginners how to avoid injury in falls – or allow novice riders to go on rides without basic training or close supervision – serious injuries including Brain injury can occur, especially if the rider falls with a foot caught in a stirrup and is dragged along the ground at speed.
  • Faulty equine products
    Faulty Products equipment failures can result in injury for horse riders and tack and safety hard hats should be bear the BSI kite mark and be inspected before a ride. An experienced rider may be able to keep their seat if a stirrup or rein comes loose, but a novice rider is unlikely to remain in the saddle for very long. If the girth holding the saddle in place comes loose, a rider simply slides sideways off their mount and into the danger zone near the horse’s hooves.
  • Horse grooming injuries
    Grooms should never be left to work alone in stalls, as horses can suddenly become “spooked” by sounds like a car horn outside or sudden actions – or even sensing other horses in the location are restless or anxious. If a groom is trapped against a wall by a horse, serious or even fatal injuries can occur and employers have a legal duty to assess risks involved in working in stables.
  • Injury from highly strung horses
    Nervous horses should never be paired with nervous or inexperienced riders and a mount should be chosen to suit a rider’s weight, height, experience and even temperament. Novice or inexperienced riders should never get on a horse they do not trust or which appears highly strung. If a horse is showing the whites of its eyes or is pawing the ground, will not stand still or prances sideways – or stubbornly refuses to be led – ask for another horse if you are a novice rider.
  • Risks for novice horse riders
    Novice riders should never be allowed out on roads without a leading rein – and yet many Holiday accidents and riding accidents are the result of holiday riding excursions in which novice riders are not given a protective hard hat or proper instruction and are taken out without an experienced riding instructor.
  • Road traffic accidents and horse riders
    Cars, lorries and motorbikes sounding their horn, backfiring, travelling too close to horses – or not giving way or reducing speed around horses – can mean riders suffer serious or fatal injury if their horse panics and shies, rears or bolts. Collisions between vehicles and horses can end tragically for horse, rider and motorist and may result in a claim for Fatal Injuries.

Accidents horse riders can claim for include:

  • Accidents and injury at work (accidents involving riding instructors, stunt horse riders, performers)
  • Animal attacks (trampling, bites, rolling, kicking, dragged along)
  • Dog bites (dog attacks and dogs out of control around horses)
  • Faulty Products (tack, saddles, hard hats)
  • Holiday riding accidents (poor instruction/supervision/ equipment, poorly trained or nervous horses)
  • Horse box accidents
  • Hunting accidents (failures in risk assessment)
  • Instruction negligence (poor or negligent riding instruction)
  • Military accidents
  • Police injured at work
  • Road traffic accidents (negligent road users, spills, poor road surface/signage)
  • Show ring/jumping accidents (faulty jumps, poor surfaces)
  • Training accidents.

Injuries horse riders and those working with horses can claim for include:

  • Abrasions
  • Brain/head injury
  • Concussion
  • Crush injuries
  • Dental injuries
  • Dislocation
  • Fractures
  • Hernia
  • Kick injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Spinal/back injury.
How long do I have to Claim for Horse Riding Injury Compensation?

Claims for horse riding compensation fall under the area of law known as personal injury.


Personal injury claimants usually have three years from the date of the injury to make a claim for compensation.


Claims can sometimes be made outside the three-year limitation period, however – and minors have three years from the age of 18 to make a claim.


Because of the limitation period for personal injury claims, it is important to seek legal advice from Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors as soon as possible if you wish to make a horse riding injury compensation claim.


Family members can call Duncan Lewis for advice on making a claim if a loved one has been badly injured in a horse riding accident and is still recovering in hospital, or has been fatally injured.


How much Horse Riding Injury Compensation can I Claim?


Claims for horse riding compensation include:

  • General Damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity
    The exact amount will be assessed according to the extent of injury, estimated recovery time and Rehabilitation needed – and whether further medical treatment or even lifelong care is needed in the case of catastrophic horse riding injuries.
  • Special Damages to cover medical fees and out-of-pocket expenses
    Expenses might include physiotherapy, loss of earnings, travel expenses to hospital or damage to personal items and clothing. Ongoing care, loss of future salary and pension or adaptations to your home would be included in the event of life changing horse riding injuries.
Who pays Compensation in a Horse Riding Accident Claim?


The insurance company of the party liable for the horse riding accident or injury settles the compensation claim – such as the insurer of a motorist who caused an accident, or the insurer of a riding instructor or professional sports coach who was negligent, or the insurer of an employer who failed to assess the risks.


Will I have to go to court to claim compensation?


Your Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitor will keep you fully informed at all stages of the case.


Many horse riding injury compensation claims are settled out-of-court – Duncan Lewis personal injury lawyers negotiate hard to get the best settlement for you.


But if a court hearing is necessary, Duncan Lewis instructs leading barristers who specialise in personal injury and sports injury cases, to make sure you have the best legal representation possible.


Compensation paid to minors in horse riding injury claims has to be approved at an Infant Settlement Hearing at the local County Court – the child and their “Litigation Friend” (usually a parent or guardian) have to attend this hearing.


Why Duncan Lewis is the best solicitor for Horse Riding Injury Compensation Claims
  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors understand just how devastating horse riding injuries can be – we believe in putting you first to obtain the best results for you
  • Duncan Lewis is one of the leading firms of Personal Injury and Legal Aid solicitors in the UK
  • Our initial advice on making a claim for horse riding compensation is free
  • Duncan Lewis accepts claims for horse riding compensation on a no win no fee basis, so you will not have to worry about legal fees
  • We will visit you at home if you are recovering from serious horse riding injuries – and can arrange expert medical opinions to help back up your claim
  • Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors will make sure you understand every stage of your horse riding injury claim
  • We will handle negotiations for you, so you do not have to worry while you are recovering from your injuries.

Duncan Lewis personal injury solicitors have a successful track record in accident and injury claims.


Contact Duncan Lewis for free advice on making a horse riding compensation claim by calling 020 7923 4020.

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