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Wills and Probate Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Wills and Probate

Contesting a Will: Farmer’s son who ‘hates cows’ stripped of his inheritance (3 December 2018)

Inheritance disputes can be extremely sensitive when close family or friends feel they have been duped out of what they believe they were entitled to. One farmer’s son has taken his parents to court after finding out they did not plan on giving him a penny from the family’s farm in their Wills.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Wills and Probate

Changing a will – is it really necessary? (9 November 2018)

Making a will is never the most enjoyable of experiences and not one that most people want to have to go through more than once, so once it’s done and dusted that should be it right? Store it safely away and forget about it.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Wills and Probate

Personal Representatives for Testators be warned: Executor made personally liable for £340,000 tax bill (15 October 2018)

In the recent case of Glyne T Harris as Personal Representative of Helena Norma McDonald (deceased) v HRMC (2018), Mr Harris, was found liable for a tax bill of £341,279. As the Executor of Ms McDonald, Mr Harris had an obligation to settle the bill, even though he had arguably complied with his duties. The difficulty lay in the way that he dealt with those duties and that is something all Personal Representatives should be aware of.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Wills and Probate

Survey prompts warning for adults without a will (8 August 2018)

The Kings Court Trust (KCT) commissioned a survey, conducted by YouGov, to assess more than 2,000 adults living in the UK to look at how will drafting has changed in recent years. The results of the survey reveal that more than 60% of UK adults do not have a will.   Read more...

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