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Community Care News

Duncan Lewis:Community Care

Homelessness Continues If Accommodation Not Reasonable (1 September 2009)

Temporary hostel or refuge housing does not constitute suitable accommodation for determining whether a person is homeless, if the homeless person is expected to occupy it for a longer period than is reasonable  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Community Care

Home Buyer Not Required to House Council Tenants (1 March 2009)

A Buckinghamshire man has been freed from a restrictive covenant requiring him to make his property available to council tenants, following a recent appeal.

Duncan Lewis:Community Care

Who-Decides-the-Location-of-the-Funeral (1 March 2009)

The general rule regarding a person’s funeral is that the executor of the estate has the right to make any necessary arrangements. Where there is no will, the person granted the letters of administration of the estate has the right.   Read more...

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