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West Berkshire Council launches campaign to highlight Adult Safeguarding (16 June 2016)

Date: 16/06/2016
Duncan Lewis, Legal News Solicitors, West Berkshire Council launches campaign to highlight Adult Safeguarding

West Berkshire Council is launching a new campaign to raise awareness of Adult Safeguarding, which will be rolled out over the next few months.

The visual campaign provides a hard-hitting reminder of the different kinds of abuse that all kinds of people can suffer – and that can often go unnoticed.

The council says the campaign gives a clear message that the safety of vulnerable adults is everybody's business – and urges people to speak up if they suspect that something is amiss.

As part of the campaign, a new “Alert” card has been introduced to help people with special needs, hidden and physical disabilities to feel safer and more confident when they are out and about.

The idea of both the Alert card and the recent launch event came from members of a user group who are keen for people to be aware of the difficulties they sometimes face – and to let people know about the new card.

The card shows the person's name and gives a short explanation of why they may be feeling unsafe or in need of help. It will give a number specific to that person to call for help and advice.

West Berkshire's Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Councillor Hilary Cole, said:

“Adult safety is everyone's business – and we hope that the campaign will make people aware that it comes in many forms and that it can only be stopped if reported.

“The Alert card will also play a part in helping vulnerable adults to be safer – it will give those who sometimes find it hard to communicate more confidence, and also help others to understand any issues the card carrier may be facing.”

West Berkshire Council has also recently consulted on adult care services and a consultation event will be held to reflect on how the service has performed this year.

The event is open to service users, carers, relatives and professionals and is being held on Tuesday 21 June in Newbury.

There will be a presentation from Tandra Forster – West Berkshire Council's Head of Adult Social Care – as well as an opportunity to hear a panel answer questions submitted in advance of the event.

Smaller drop-in sessions are also being held on 21 June in Hungerford and Thatcham, between 10am to midday.

Commenting on the adult care survey, Cllr Cole said:

“Adult social care is one of the most important services we provide as a council – and it's important to hear people's experience of the service.

“Although we have achieved a lot this year, we want to improve and develop further this vital and valued service – this survey and local events will help us to do this.

“I'd encourage anyone who has used the service to take part and help us improve what we offer to those of our residents who most need our support.”

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