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Right to Build scheme “key” to government’s housing policy (6 May 2014)

Date: 06/05/2014
Duncan Lewis, Legal News Solicitors, Right to Build scheme “key” to government’s housing policy

Conservative Planning Minister Nick Boles is expected to announce today (06/05/14) that Local Authorities will have to make land available to enable residents to build their own homes if the Conservatives win the next election.

The Daily Mail reports that the Right to Build scheme will allow residents who have lived in an area for three years to buy local land which is not being used, to build homes at a lower cost than construction companies.

The policy would form a key part of the Conservative Party’s housing policy if the Tories win the 2015 General Election.

Chancellor George Osborne has already pledged £150 million to help local councils fund sales of the first 10,000 plots to homebuilders.

Local Authorities would be able to use the money made from selling plots to build new housing.

In the UK, 10,000 new self-build homes are built every year, whereas in France, Italy and Germany, self-building accounts for 60% of new homes every year.

According to the National Self-Build Association, most homeowners spend between £100,000 and £150,000 on their self-build homes, excluding the cost of a plot.

Self-build homes cost around 25% less than homes built by developers.

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