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Preventable Stillbirth Ignored by Short-Staffed Hospital (12 October 2016)

Date: 12/10/2016
Duncan Lewis, Legal News Solicitors, Preventable Stillbirth Ignored by Short-Staffed Hospital

Heavily pregnant mother of two, Angela Owens was told to go home from hospital despite suffering severe pains whilst on a shopping trip. After refusing to leave she was advised by a midwife to get into a birthing pool to relieve the pain. Mrs Owens continued to suffer from excruciating pain and it was only a while later that she was told doctors could not find her baby’s heartbeat. The baby, named Ella, was stillborn. Tests showed Mrs Owens suffered placental abruption.

On 21st December 2015, Angela Owens rushed to hospital after developing severe abdominal pain. A midwife examined her and recommended that she should be discharged with paracetamol. Mrs Owens refused to leave and was eventually told to ‘rest’ in the birthing pool to relieve her pain.

Mrs Owens continued to suffer from excruciating pain and pulled the emergency cord for help. It was later revealed that doctors could not find her baby’s heartbeat. Mrs Owens had suffered from placental abruption and her baby, named Ella, was stillborn.

Mrs Owens has stated that she ‘hope[s] that by taking legal action and bringing this to the attention of the public, that the Trust will ensure it makes changes to maternity services’.

An investigation was later launched by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists which found that the unit was short-staffed, deaths were avoidable and there was often a breakdown in communication.

Duncan Lewis Solicitors has extensive experience with these types of claims and act for those who have suffered from stillbirth arising from clinical (medical) negligence.

Divya Anand, Clinical Negligence Solicitor with Duncan Lewis states – “Although no amount of compensation can possibly help to overcome the loss of a child, our aim at Duncan Lewis is to ensure that medical professionals acknowledge any mistakes that have occurred either before, during or after delivery and to ensure that these mistakes are not repeated.”

Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors can advise the bereaved families of NHS patients and private patients on how to make a claim for wrongful treatment leading to stillbirth. Our broad clinical negligence practice also handles a vast array of claims, from accident and emergency failures to GP negligence claims, to misdiagnosed fractures to wrongful death matters.

If you or a loved one have suffered the loss of a child through stillbirth please contact our specialist clinical negligence solicitors on 0333 772 0409.