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Pharmacy apologises over alleged prescription error (17 March 2015)

Date: 17/03/2015
Duncan Lewis, Legal News Solicitors, Pharmacy apologises over alleged prescription error

A disabled woman whose prescription was mixed up with her husband’s says that her health was put at risk as a result of the blunder.

Debbie Stiff, 45, and her husband Gary, 43 – from Cherry Avenue in Dartford, Kent – visited their GP together and took their prescriptions to the Cooperative Pharmacy at the Swanley Centre in Kent.

Kentonline reports that Mrs Stiff had been prescribed antibiotics for an ear infection and a repeat prescription to treat existing health conditions, while her husband had been prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs for tennis elbow.

Mrs Stiff is paralysed down her left side after suffering seven strokes.

The couple collected the medications on the same day, but at home Mr Stiff noticed that his wife’s name was on the label on his prescription medicine.

“As soon as we realised we contacted the chemist,” said Mrs Stiff.

“First of all they said they didn’t make mistakes – and then that it hadn’t happened to anyone else.”

Mrs Stiff alleges had she taken her husband’s anti-inflammatory medication it could have been detrimental to her heath. Mrs Stiff does not read or write and relies on identifying her medication by the colour and size of tablets.

The mother-of-four said that a takeover of her local chemist had led to staff changes. She says she will now be taking her prescription to another pharmacy.

A spokesman for Bestway Group – which runs the Cooperative Pharmacy –

“We are aware of this incident and have been in direct contact with the family to offer our apologies.

“As a result of this incident, we are reviewing the branch process and will keep the family updated to provide reassurance.

“The family’s vigilance in checking the medication meant no harm has been caused and we were able to rectify the situation promptly.”

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