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The Commons Public Accounts Committee has said cancer care in England has lost momentum and the NHS is struggling to meet waiting targets.
BBC News reports that the committee’s latest report highlights the fact that, while NHS cancer survival rates had improved, NHS cancer services were still struggling to compete with services elsewhere in the EU.
NHS England says it is already working on a new five-year cancer strategy – but the committee’s report investigated the progress made in improving cancer services and patient outcomes in England.
Chair of the committee Margaret Hodge said:
"With more than one in three people developing cancer in their lifetime, cancer touches the lives of all of us at some point – and the Department of Health spends over £6.7 billion on cancer services a year.
“That is why it is so concerning that the Department of Health and NHS England have lost momentum in the drive to improve cancer services in the last two years.
“More and more people are getting cancer – but the resources available to support improvement have gone down.”
Several cancer treatment targets had been missed in 2014, the committee found – the NHS target of 85% of cancer patients being treated within 62 days of urgent referral by a GP was missed for the first three quarters of 2014, with a total of 5,500 patients waiting longer than 62 days for a referral appointment and cancer treatment between July and September 2014.
The committee found two other targets were also missed – and there were poor outcomes and poor access to cancer treatment for cancer patients over the age of 65.
Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors – No win no fee Claims for Cancer Misdiagnosis
Duncan Lewis clinical negligence solicitors can advise on making no win no fee claims for cancer misdiagnosis, including claims against the NHS and claims against private healthcare providers for cancer misdiagnosis.
Clinical negligence claims are usually made within three years of injury occurring or when it became evident that cancer misdiagnosis had occurred.
Cancer misdiagnosis claims may also involve damages for wrong cancer treatment – or unnecessary cancer treatment such as chemotherapy.
Children can claim compensation for clinical negligence up to the age of 21.
For expert legal advice on no win no fee Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims, call Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Solicitors on 020 7923 4020.