The outbreak of Covid-19 has resulted in a unprecedented response from those who are considered ‘key workers’ in combatting the virus, caring for those in need, and keeping society running as normally as possible.
However, throughout the pandemic the issue of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) shortages has been a point of great concern, particularly for those working on the front line where protection against the virus is of even greater importance due to the increased risks they face.
With many organisations’ supplies of PPE running low or expended altogether, thousands are now having to work in hazardous conditions without the protection they are entitled to.
Employers’ responsibility
“Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, employers have a duty to keep their employees safe at work. Any and all PPE should be properly assessed to ensure that it is suitable and should be stored and maintained properly.” Explains personal injury director Julie Leslie, “furthermore, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 duty requires that an employer does everything that is ‘reasonably practicable’ to safeguard their employees. This means that employers must ensure that adequate risk assessments, training and equipment are in place and are able to cope with the threat of Covid-19.”
The required PPE varies from profession to profession, with doctors and nurses requiring different equipment to those working in supermarkets for example. Public Health England has issued guidance on the different requirements amongst NHS personnel as well as general guidance on PPE during these unprecedented times.
Workers whose employers are not supplying them with the appropriate PPE are now at an increased risk of injury or damage due to their heightened exposure to the virus.
Employers’ negligence
If an employer’s failure to adequately safeguard their employees results in injury or damage, the affected individual may be able to make a personal injury claim for compensation.
Due to the novelty of coronavirus and Covid-19 there remains some uncertainty about how the courts will settle the matter of compensation if and when claims are brought against employers. Despite this, the personal injury department at Duncan Lewis Solicitors have extensive experience in handling cases involving employer negligence, PPE, and injuries caused in the workplace.
If you or a loved one have suffered an injury as a result of a lack of PPE you may be able to make a personal injury claim for compensation.
Director Julie Leslie specialises across all types of claimant personal injury work, including cases involving injury caused by employer negligence. She has significant experience of running cases from start through to trial and her caseload varies from representing claimants with straightforward injuries, to those where claimants have suffered life changing accidents.
For more information contact Julie Leslie on 020 7275 2847 or email