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A strange case of rape (11 December 2012)

Date: 11/12/2012
Duncan Lewis, Legal News Solicitors, A strange case of rape

A 23 year old woman had to go through horrifying experience when she was raped by two illegal immigrants on a night out in Bournemouth a court heard yesterday.
Two Afghanis Farid Ghorzanig, 22, and Amir Wallezadeh, 19, who were apt candidates for deportation at the time both had denied rape at the Commercial Road on July 1 this year.
Prosecutor at Bournemouth Crown Court, David Bartlett said the allegation was a strange one where in the defendants admitted of having sexual intercourse but alleges that it was consensual but which the woman denies.
Mr Bartlett told jurors how the alleged victim had been filmed on CCTV camera “somewhat the worse for drink” as she walked along Commercial Road, intending to catch a bus home at around 9.30pm.
As she approached the former Dixons electrical store, which was being used as a gift shop, the woman met the defendants who were on the opposite side of the street.
Mr Bartlett said the smaller of the two Ghorzanig had put his arm around her and encouraged her to come into the shop. The taller one Wallezadeh stayed in the doorway of the building.
The woman on her part alleges that, although Wallezadeh then opened the shop door with his keys, Ghorzanig took her on a circuitous route along an alleyway into the rear entrance. Access appears to be via a service road, across an elevated gangway and up a staircase into the area above the shop, which was virtually empty apart from a mattress and rug.
Mr Bartlett said Ghorzanig had sex with the woman first, adding that the woman would say that it was horrible as she was scared and didn’t know what to do so she stayed. She then heard Wallezadeh come upstairs.
Jurors were told how Wallezadeh had also had sex with the woman. Then she asked if she could go home.
Ghorzanig agreed and when she got to The Square the first people she called were the police. Her 999 call was timed at 21.58; she had been in the premises less than 25 minutes.
The police attended very quickly and found her very upset, Mr Bartlett added.
The court heard how a cordon had been placed around the premises and at 10.43pm both defendants were spotted running away towards the Central Gardens. They were arrested a short time later.
During interview both men claimed they had been drunk, insisting that the woman had wanted to have sex with them. The alleged victim is due to give her evidence from behind a screen today.

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