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Jasmine Carr, Duncan Lewis

Jasmine Carr


Contact Information

Jasmine's Domestic Violence Profile / Experience

I am a Caseworker for the Milton Keynes office assisting Solicitor and Supervisor, Jemma Gates.
I have worked in Family Law for 10 years and for the majority of that time I have been working in particular with children and domestic abuse work.
From working in Family Law and, other related job roles, I understand the importance of a trauma informed approach when working with those who have suffered trauma and in particular, domestic abuse. I appreciate the need for patience and compassion, and I have a clear understanding of the importance of working in a way to reduce the likelihood of re-traumatisation. I understand that lots of client’s may have never discussed their experiences of domestic abuse before, and that I may be the first person they have spoken out to. I am passionate about supporting and empowering victims of domestic abuse.
I have significant experience in obtaining Non Molestation Injunction Orders and Occupation Orders to protect victims, and their children from further harm. I am able to appropriately guide a client through these proceedings and advise and support clients with each step.
I have a wealth of knowledge of children act proceedings and in particular, when domestic abuse is a relevant fact of the case. I regularly work alongside domestic abuse organisations and closely with IDVA’s and ISVA’s.
In a previous Family Law role, I worked closely with a local domestic abuse organisation providing a weekly free advice clinic. This gave a number of people the opportunity to receive free and vital legal advice pertaining to issues such as domestic abuse and child arrangements so that they could make informed decisions about their, and their children’s, future.
I have significant knowledge of legal aid for domestic abuse work as the majority of my involvement with such work has been legally-aided. I am therefore aware of the criteria and the application involved and can guide clients through the same to make the process as smooth as possible during a very stressful time for clients.
I have substantial experience working with client’s who are subject to care proceedings when the Local Authority are concerned about domestic abuse within the family home. I have a key understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on a client’s mental and emotional health. Together, with an understanding how these proceedings are distressing for clients, I have a key appreciation for the importance of working with clients in a way to avoid re-traumatization whilst supporting and assisting them to achieve their desired outcome.


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