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Civil fraud

Duncan Lewis Litigation Solicitors – Civil fraud


Fraud can be a criminal or civil offence, depending on the circumstances of a case.


In cases where fraud may be considered a civil offence and not a police matter, Duncan Lewis civil litigation solicitors can advise on asset tracing and how to retrieve any monies or property which have been acquired as a result of fraud.


Civil fraud cases may also involve police action and criminal charges at a later stage – and because of the complexities of fraud cases, it is essential to seek expert legal advice as soon as possible and before any assets “disappear” into a criminal or other network.


Duncan Lewis can also advise on legal action to retrieve any monies – including freezing orders, which can freeze any bank accounts of the parties responsible for the fraud.


It is also possible to obtain search and seize orders in cases of civil fraud, so that premises can be searched.


Duncan Lewis can advise on civil fraud cases involving financial fraud, as well as:

  • Copyright
  • Identity fraud
  • Insurance fraud
  • Intellectual property (IP)
  • Property fraud.

In cases where civil fraud has resulted in a loss to an individual or company, a claim for damages may also be filed against the perpetrator. This might apply in cases of identity theft, where property or other assets have been misappropriated by being fraudulently registered by another party in their name or a company name.


It is also possible for monies and property to be fraudulently misappropriated as a result of fiduciary breach or a breach of data protection – for example, a charge might be fraudulently placed on a property or monies transferred fraudulently to a third-party account.


Civil fraud may also involve scams in which marketing or advertising acts as an inducement to buy or invest without the promised return ever materialising.


Duncan Lewis civil litigation solicitors can advise on recovering monies as a result of boiler room scams, Ponzi schemes, pyramid selling or land investment schemes.


In all these cases, it is necessary to take action as soon as any instance of civil fraud becomes evident.


Duncan Lewis fraud solicitors have considerable expertise in advising clients on criminal fraud and civil fraud – and action possible under the Fraud Act 2006.


Duncan Lewis can also advise those facing allegations of civil fraud, including investigations by OFT and other authorities.


For expert legal advice on Civil Fraud, call Duncan Lewis Civil Litigation Solicitors on 0333 772 0409.


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