Domestic violence can be difficult to identify, especially for the person experiencing it. People often assume that domestic violence has to be physical violence, but the reality is that domestic abuse is much more of an appropriate term. Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour characterised by the exercise of control by one person over another within the context of an intimate or family relationship. This type of control can come in many forms and can be emotional, financial and sexual in nature. Read more...
Domestic abuse affects victims from all ethnic backgrounds, with no indicators that victims from certain cultural communities are at a higher risk. However, the type of abuse that might be experienced may differ between cultures. In some ethnic communities, abuse may be committed by extended family members, parents or parents-in-law and forced marriages may occur. Read more...
If you are experiencing any form of domestic abuse, do not suffer in silence. Please call our dedicated and confidential domestic violence helpline on 0800 689 3275 and speak to one of our specialised Domestic Abuse Solicitors today. Read more...
If you are experiencing any form of domestic abuse, do not suffer in silence. Please call our dedicated and confidential domestic violence helpline on 0800 689 3275 and speak to one of our specialised Domestic Abuse Solicitors today. Read more...
Further to the implementation of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) Act 2012 on the 1 April 2013 substantial cuts were made to the provision of Legal Aid in family law matters. Read more...
If you are experiencing any form of domestic abuse, do not suffer in silence. Please call our dedicated and confidential domestic violence helpline on 0800 689 3275 and speak to one of our specialised Domestic Abuse Solicitors today. Read more...
Domestic violence is not limited to any race, ethnic or religious group. It does not discriminate on gender, sexuality, disability or lifestyle. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors’ launches their Give Children a Voice Campaign and a powerful video, Charlie’s Weekend, which aims to raise awareness of domestic violence, help break the silence of the children affected by domestic abuse and let survivors know that Legal Aid is available for most domestic violence cases. Read more...