Anti-social Behaviour Orders – commonly known as ASBOs – can be handed to any one over the age of ten.
ASBOs are a penalty which can apply to a wide range of behaviours or activities, which may cause disturbance or harassment to others, or cause criminal damage, including:
An ASBO might also be handed out if an individual regularly targets a neighbour or neighbourhood with anti-social behaviour.
ASBOS generally last for a minimum of two years – and will place restrictions on behaviour during that period, such as:
ASBOs can be reviewed if an individual’s behaviour is deemed to have improved – or an ASBO may be extended.
Any breach of an ASBO may incur a fine – and even those under the age of 14 can be fined, so it is vital to take expert legal advice on any breaches of an ASBO.
Duncan Lewis can advise at any stage of a charge which involves anti-social behaviour allegations – and have a successful track record in defending anti-social behaviour cases, including cases involving young offenders.
Being handed an ASBO can wreck an individual’s reputation and professional standing – taking expert legal advice as soon as possible is crucial to defending allegations of anti-social behaviour and building a sound defence.
The Duncan Lewis Crime Department is ranked in Legal 500 2014 for its General Crime and White Collar Fraud Work.
Duncan Lewis crime lawyers have acknowledged expertise in case building based on a sound knowledge of the criminal justice system – and the ability to assemble compelling evidence and documentation in criminal cases involving anti-social behaviour allegations.
Duncan Lewis represents clients at Police Stations, Youth Courts, Magistrates’ Courts, Crown Courts, and at Appeal Courts such as the Court of Appeal.
Clients do not have to wait until they have been arrested to contact Duncan Lewis about any criminal charges – our team can advise from the initial stages of a police inquiry, or if it is likely a client may be arrested to face a criminal charge involving anti-social behaviour.
Duncan Lewis crime lawyers can also advise on Civil Liberties matters such as wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and prisoners’ rights in custody – as well as advising on appeals against sentencing involving ASBOs.
All Duncan Lewis criminal solicitors are highly trained and highly experienced – and are dedicated to offering the best criminal defence services to our clients at police stations, courts and prisons.
There are Duncan Lewis offices nationwide – including more than 20 offices across London and the southeast and in all major cities across England and Wales.
A member of the Duncan Lewis criminal defence team can usually reach a client at a police station or court within 45 minutes to offer expert legal advice on all criminal charges and for police interview under caution.
We aim for the best possible outcome for clients facing charges involving anti-social behaviour – call Duncan Lewis any time on 020 7923 4020 for expert legal advice.
For 24/7 help at a police station in England and Wales, call the Duncan Lewis Emergency Hotline on 020 7275 2036.
Duncan Lewis is a leading provider of Legal Aid criminal defence services – Legal Aid is means tested and may only be available in certain circumstances.
Duncan Lewis can advise further on Legal Aid at the initial client meeting.
In cases where a client may not be eligible for Legal Aid, Duncan Lewis criminal solicitors offer competitively-priced fee levels for private client representation – with fixed fees and advance notice of any costs whenever possible.
In some criminal cases, after the event insurance may be an option and Duncan Lewis will advise on an appropriate level of insurance to cover the potential costs of defending a criminal case and to pay any costs imposed by the court.
Call Duncan Lewis Criminal Solicitors to discuss anti-social behaviour orders on 020 7923 4020.