An immigration removal centre near Gatwick Airport – where families are detailed while claiming asylum in the UK or before being deported – has been praised by inspectors.
Tinsley House Immigration Removal Centre was praised for being “a respectful and calm establishment, which provided a safe environment for children and families”.
The centre received a positive report in 2012 – but inspectors have flagged up some areas where improvement could be made, including transport to and from the centre, with journeys “often long and badly planned”.
The report also criticised the care and separation unit, where detainees are isolated – including detainees with infectious diseases.
Inspectors from HM Inspectorate of Prisons also criticised lack of ventilation on site.
Tinsley House is run by security firm G4S – and director of custodial and detention services for G4S, Jerry Petherick, said:
“The days before deportation can be a distressing time for detainees – and I am pleased that this report recognises the calm, patient and diligent work of our staff at Tinsley House to support the people we look after at the centre.
“I am encouraged that inspectors have again found Tinsley House to be a safe and decent environment for detainees and this is the product of hard work by our staff and partners – including the Red Cross, Gatwick Detainee Welfare Group and Migrant Help – to provide high levels of care.
“We are committed to continuing to improve performance – and will work with the Home Office and our other partner agencies to play our part in meeting the inspector’s recommendations.”
The removal centre opened in 1996 and can accommodate around 150 detainees.
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