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Clinical Negligence Solicitors

Hospital cuts being planned across England (13 March 2017)

Date: 13/03/2017
Duncan Lewis, Clinical Negligence Solicitors, Hospital cuts being planned across England

A recent BBC analysis of local plans has found that nearly two thirds of hospital services in England could be cut or scaled back. The NHS proposals, which are sustainability and transformation plans, have been made as part of a national programme to transform the health services and cut costs in 44 areas.

28 of these proposals could affect hospital care, ranging from full closures of hospitals to centralising certain services on fewer sites, for example accident and emergency services, and stroke care services.

Meanwhile, along with proposed hospital cuts is the proposed creation of “ super” community hubs, involving seven-day access to GPs, hospital specialists running clinics in the community, and care workers and district nurses working within the hubs.

The BBC analysis has made several findings regarding proposed plans. These plans include plans to reduce the number of hospital sites in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, plans to centralise maternity and children’s services to a single site in Lincolnshire, plans to downgrade two of three A&Es in Mid and South Essex, and plans in Nottinghamshire to downsize City Hospital and reduce the number of hospital beds across Nottingham by 200.

A review carried out by the King’s Fund has warned that community services in several areas are already “feeling the strain” and will likely be unable to cope with an increase in their workload. Furthermore, a reduction in the number of hospital beds is likely to destabilize services that have already been put under increased pressure over the difficult winter. The King’s Fund has warned that these proposed changed may be subject to legal challenges.

Chief Executive of the King’s Fund, Professor Chris Ham has, however, acknowledged that care being moved out of the hospital could be the “best hope of delivering essential reforms” in the NHS. Prof Ham encourages ministers and local politicians to support NHS leaders where a convincing case for change has been made.

A spokesman for the Department of Health has maintained that extra money being invested in the NHS this Parliament provides the health service with enough funds to make changes. Furthermore the spokesman claims that the NGS plans will allow patients to receive better care. A spokeswoman for NHS England has commented that the current plans are the best hope of sustainably improving patient care.

Rebecca Thomas, Director of Clinical Negligence at Duncan Lewis comments:

“Initiatives to improve patient care are to be welcomed and the existing care arrangements are clearly not working and need to be reformed. I am concerned however, that some of the NHS proposals under this plan may result in poorer patient care which may result in an increase in clinical negligence claims which is something that the Government are seeking to avoid”.

Rebecca Thomas is a Director of Clinical Negligence at Duncan Lewis. Rebecca has over 20 years’ experience in her field and represents clients in a wide range of cases including claims involving cosmetic and dental negligence, surgical and orthopaedic injuries arising from delay, misdiagnosis or negligent spinal surgery, gastrointestinal and ophthalmic surgery.

Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence Department

The Duncan Lewis Clinical Negligence team has significant experience acting in a vast array of claims. Varying from accident and emergency failures to GP negligence claims, to misdiagnosed fractures to wrongful death matters claims. They also act for children and adults who have suffered profound and permanent brain, spinal or neurological injuries and associated disabilities as a consequence of failings in medical care in both NHS and private hospitals.

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