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Clinical Negligence Solicitors

Debate over whether NHS should have its own tax (5 April 2017)

Date: 05/04/2017
Duncan Lewis, Clinical Negligence Solicitors, Debate over whether NHS should have its own tax

There is an intensifying debate over whether the NHS needs additional funding, and, if so, how this could be attained. Among the options being considered is a dedicated tax for the health service – an idea that has been considered by economists for many years.

A panel of health experts has reportedly now backed the idea, arguing that more money is needed, and whilst Income Tax and National Insurance (NI) are options, a dedicated health and care tax could offer significant benefits. Experts believe that at the very least an extra £20bn is needed for the NHS in 2020.

However, the Treasury is opposed to the idea of an NHS specific taxation, and the chancellor’s flexibility over tax and public spending decisions would be reduced if certain taxes are set aside in advance for specific services. In order for the proposed tax to be taken seriously, proponents will need to show that patient care will be improved, and convince taxpayers that this would be the case.

The debate about the tax follows reports of an NHS £20m spending cap per year on new drugs, plans to cut prescriptions for “low value” medicines and increasing delays for receiving surgical treatment for “non-urgent” operations; spending cuts and delays could have a serious impact on patient wellbeing. These reports suggest that the NHS would greatly benefit from more money, and be able to reduce these instances of clinical negligence with increased funding.

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