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Vincent Davis, Duncan Lewis

Vincent Davis


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Profile / Experience

Awards and Recommendations for Vincent Davis
Legal 500

Vincent Davis, "a measured and sensible solicitor with excellent experience", is a Recommended Lawyer in The Legal 500 UK 2025 edition for his Social Housing work across London and the South East.

Legal 500 2025 Edition.
Social Housing; Social Housing: Tenant / London; South East

Vincent, noted for his "excellent knowledge of the law", is recognised for his specialism in homelessness reviews and appeals across London and the South East.

Legal 500 2024 Edition.
Social Housing; Social Housing: Tenant / London; South East

"Vincent Davis is exceptional at dealing with difficult cases."

Legal 500 2023 Edition.
Social Housing / South East
I am a Solicitor in the Housing department at Duncan Lewis Solicitors. I work as part of Director, Manjinder Kaur Atwal's team.

With a background in the not for profit advice sector and a training contract covering seats in social welfare law, including housing and debt, welfare benefits and employment, I qualified as a solicitor in 2008 and thereafter specialised in housing and debt.

I have in the course of my career represented some very vulnerable clients including those with mental illnesses or learning disabilities and clients who were street homeless. I carry out a varied caseload of housing matters, often with a community care element, including homelessness reviews and appeals, defending possession proceedings, applications to suspend warrants of possession, disrepair claims, public law matters and anti-social behaviour injunctions.

I represent tenants of all tenures, local authority, housing association and private, and in mortgage possession proceedings, homeowners and prior to joining Duncan Lewis Solicitors, I had spent time representing mainly housing association and local authority landlords, usually in anti-social behaviour matters, though my work extended also to non-contentious advice on tenancy and licence agreements and on policies, including anti-social behaviour and lettings policies.

I particularly enjoy defending tenants and homeowners on the county court housing possession duty scheme where I have been able to assist tenants and homeowners in defending possession claims in court on the day of their hearing. I find that the work is fast paced with a quick turnover of clients and an immediate tangible outcome.


  • Legal Practice Course and Common Professional Examination - Manchester Metropolitan University
  • BSc (Hons) Social Sciences - University of Salford


  • Duncan Lewis Solicitors, 2020-present
  • Tozers LLP, 2019-2020
  • Shelter, 2017-2019
  • Springfield Advice and Law Centre, 2010-2017
  • Admitted as a solicitor, 2008
  • Mary Ward Legal Centre (trainee solicitor), 2006-2008


  • "Vincent Davis is exceptional at dealing with difficult cases, opponents, and clients"- Legal 500 UK 2023

  • "Vincent Davis has particular experience with vulnerable clients" - Legal 500 UK 2023


  • Recommended Lawyer - Legal 500 UK, (2024 - 2023)


  • I am a keen reader, both fiction and non-fiction. My non-fiction interests include politics, economics and history and some popular science. My fiction reading is quite broad but my guilty pleasure is in fantasy, science fiction and horror.
  • I enjoy walking or cycling in the countryside or on the coast in the West Country and visiting heritage railways.
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