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Kennisia Allen , Duncan Lewis , Immigration Solicitor , City of London

Kennisia Allen


Contact Information

Profile / Experience

I am a Solicitor in the Immigration Department at Duncan Lewis. I specialise in acting for publicly funded (legal aid) and privately funded clients across a broad range of immigration, nationality, asylum, human rights and judicial review claimant cases. I litigate across a broad range of challenges against the Secretary of State for the Home Department in the Immigration Asylum Chamber and Administrative Court in the following issues:
  • Unlawful detention;
  • Dublin II/III/ Safe Third Country removal;
  • Unlawful delay in processing immigration and asylum applications;
  • Fresh claim challenges/unlawful denial of appeal rights;
  • Challenges to refusals of Article 8 ECHR family and private life applications;
  • Challenging removals by way of urgent interim relief applications;
I specialise in acting for vulnerable clients including, detained asylum seekers, victims of torture, victim of trafficking, victims of domestic abuse and unaccompanied asylum seeking children. Although I predominantly practice throughout London, I frequently attend to immigration detention centres across England and Wales to advise and act for foreign nationals seeking asylum and challenging removal/deportation. I have considerable success in obtaining immigration bail or court orders for unlawful detention where it was found that a client’s detention was deemed to be not necessary and/or unlawful.

I am accredited as a Supervisor and Level 2 Senior Caseworker under the Law Society’s Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme. This means that I have shown that I have specialist knowledge and experience in the area of Immigration law and can advise and assist publicly funded clients under the company's legal aid contract. I have significant experience in legal aid and able to advise clearly, upon receiving the necessary information, whether or not a client would be eligible for legal aid funding.


  • Duncan Lewis Solicitors, May 2014-present
  • Qualified as a Solicitor, November 2012

Membership & Accreditations

  • Level 2 Caseworker & Supervisor, Immigration & Asylum Accreditation Scheme
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