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Ivan Dimitrov , Duncan Lewis , Child Care Solicitor , Dalston

Ivan Dimitrov

Chartered Legal Executive

Contact Information

Profile / Experience

I am a Chartered Legal Executive in the Family and Childcare Department at Duncan Lewis having joined the firm in January 2012.

I have significant experience in dealing with cases in all public children matters and represent parents in the following proceedings:
  • Applications for Care Orders & Placement Orders;
  • Applications for Supervision Orders;
  • Applications for Emergency Protection Orders;
  • Applications for Special Guardianship Orders;
  • Adoption Orders;
I also specialise in dealing with all private law children matters and represent parents in the following proceedings:
  • Application for Child Arrangements Orders for Residence & Contact
  • Specific Issue Orders
  • Prohibited Steps Orders
A significant part of my caseload is representing clients on family law matters with issues of domestic violence which covers non molestation orders and occupation orders.

I am experienced in working and assisting clients in matters with an international element such as child abduction cases under the Hague Convention. I also deal with vulnerable clients including those with substance misuse, those suffering from complex psychological issues and victims of domestic abuse.

As part of my role I have also assisted clients through the Civil Legal Advice Scheme and I am keen member of the Duncan Lewis Pro Bono Committee.

I can speak and communicate in Bulgarian for those who struggle with English.


  • Level 6 Higher Professional Diploma in Law and Practice


  • Duncan Lewis Solicitors 2012-present

Notable Cases

High Court
  • NG v OG [2014] EWHC 4182 (Fam) - I successfully represented a father to defend an Application by mother for registration and enforcement of Russian orders concerning residence her two children where she alleged the children have been unlawfully retained in the UK by the father. Application was dismissed and finding made that both children habitually resident in the UK.

Membership & Accreditations

  • Cilex Associate Member


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Duncan Lewis is the trading name of Duncan Lewis (Solicitors) Limited. Registered Office is 143-149 Fenchurch St, London, EC3M 6BL. Company Reg. No. 3718422. VAT Reg. No. 718729013. A list of the company's Directors is displayed at the registered offices address. Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority . Offices all across London and in major cities in the UK. ©Duncan Lewis >>Legal Disclaimer, Copyright & Privacy Policy. Duncan Lewis do not accept service by email.