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Islamic Law Solicitors

Aina Khan attends the Ministerial Female Genital Mutilation Summit (11 February 2015)

Date: 11/02/2015
Duncan Lewis, Islamic Law Solicitors, Aina Khan attends the Ministerial Female Genital Mutilation Summit

Duncan Lewis Family and Islamic Law Specialist Aina Khan attended the Ministerial Female Genital Mutilation Summit on February 6th 2015.

The event was attended by over 200 activists, religious leaders, Government Ministers, and multiple agencies.

Aina Khan was invited as a Signatory of the Religious Leaders Declaration on FGM (see link).

Aina said; "Once again, the message should be loud and clear - there is Zero Tolerance of physical and mental abuse in Islam, and this includes FGM. It is a crime in the UK and will be prosecuted, so the small sections of the Muslim community who practice it need to ensure it stops now, so there is no need for prosecutions.

FGM destroys lives and we cannot stand by and watch this happening to 1000s of women every year in the UK. The biggest issue is to stop mothers forcing it upon their daughters in the mistaken belief it makes a girl modest. Instead it causes physical and mental damage for a lifetime in many cases".

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