I am a Solicitor in the Court of Protection ('COP') department at Duncan Lewis Solicitors. I act for clients who are vulnerable and the subject of COP proceedings (‘P’). I also regularly act for family members in both section 16 and section 21A COP applications where there has been the removal of a family member to a specialist facility or care home at the objection of P’s family. I have also successfully challenged capacity assessments and deprivation of liberty orders. I regularly act for the Official Solicitor on behalf of P in a range of applications.
My experience of Court of Protection proceedings covers Health and Welfare matters, including mental capacity and best interest decisions.
I also represent clients in civil litigation proceedings and public law proceedings, encompassing appeals in the Upper Tribunal against disclosure and barring service decisions and acting for clients across a broad range of disputes involving breach of contract and negligence involving individuals, businesses and educational and other institutions.