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Deena Gorasia, Duncan Lewis

Deena Gorasia


Contact Information

Profile / Experience

I qualified as a solicitor in 2007 and have over 10 years' experience specialising in immigration and asylum, representing clients in all types of matters from initial applications through to appeals in the Tribunal and the higher courts. Having represented vulnerable clients such as minors, victims of torture and those with mental health issues, I fully understand the need to be patient but also proactive to ensure they benefit from the relevant protection by ensuring relevant experts are instructed to help progress the application and secure a positive outcome.

I also have in-depth experience of representing clients at the High Court in their judicial review matters.


  • The College of Law - Professional Skills Course
  • Thames Valley University - Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice
  • Middlesex University - BA Honours Law with Criminology (2:1)


  • Duncan Lewis Solicitors, 2008-present
  • Admitted as a Solicitor November 2007
  • Palis Solicitors, 2004-2007

Membership & Accreditations

  • 2019 - Re-accreditation Supervisor and Senior Caseworker Level 2 - Law Society's Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme
  • 2006 - Supervisor and Senior Caseworker Level 2 - Law Society's Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme
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