I am a Solicitor in the Family Department at Duncan Lewis Solicitors.
I joined Duncan Lewis in July 2019 as a caseworker in the family department. I began my training contract in February 2020 and completed my seats in family, child care, and international child abduction and adoption before qualifying as a solicitor. I qualified in March 2022. I have gained this experience working with Mr. Vanket Appalakondiah who is a director and a solicitor within the Family Department.
I have an extensive experience of dealing with family law matters which includes private law children’s matter such as Child Arrangement Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders, and Specific Issues Orders etc. I also deal with divorces and public law children’s matters such as care proceedings, Special Guardianship Orders etc.
I represent parents in public law children’s matters. Mainly the public law cases involving trio of domestic abuse, substance misuse and alcohol abuse. I also have experience in matters relating to mental health issues such as PTSD, personality disorders and where children are beyond parental control which also includes violence and inappropriate sexual behaviour. I have represented clients in their Public Law Outline (PLO) meetings which is the step before the Local Authority applies for a Care Proceedings.
I represent parents in relation to their private law children’s matters where Cafcass will provide the court with their independent, non-biased reports in relation to both parents which will help the court to give the judgment which focuses on welfare of the children and what is in their best interest.
I also address the concerns parents might in relation to children’s safety. I have also represented clients who have suffered domestic abuse, clients who need their right in terms of Transfer of Tenancy, Occupation Orders etc. Further, I have represented clients where their child is subject to Local Authority’s application for DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Order).
I am fluent in Hindi and Gujarati.